A+D ミュージアムA+D Museum

© Nicolas O. S. Marques
It comes as no surprise that Los Angeles, a leading cultural city has established an equally leading space dedicated to architecture and design. Celebrating progressive architecture in Los Angeles and internationally流行の先端都市、ロサンゼルスが建築とデザイン両方の先を行くスペースを作り上げたことは誰もが納得することだろう。前進的なロサンゼルスから世界中に渡った建築を讃えるため、A+D(建築とデザイン)ミュージアムが2001年に設立され、ここで様々な建築やデザインに関した展示に伴い教育に関したプログラムを行い、今ではロサンゼルスのデザイン業界を語るに当たって不可欠な存在となっている。
A+D Museum
住所:6032 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036
TEL:323 932 9393
Text: Joanna Kawecki
Translation: Yumiko Miyagawa, A+D Museum was established in 2001 and is now recognised as an integral institution in the L.A. design industry, showcasing various architecture and design-orientated exhibitions and accompanying educational programs.
Positioned on the ideal Museum Row on Miracle Mile alongside fellow galleries and museums, with LACMA just a convenient stroll away. It’s hard not to miss the light-filled facade; an open invitation to this multi-disciplinary space for sharing ideas on contemporary issue in architecture, urbanism and design.
And they make it fun. Where else can you go to see Eames in all it’s glory, or experience design on a personal level? Their interactive exhibitions and projects invite the viewer to think outside of the box of contemporary living trends and constraints. Just take a look at their past exhibitions!
Knowledgeable and interactive, inside you’ll find something for any established designer or curious guest.
A+D Museum
Address: 6032 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Opening Hours: 11:00-17:00 (Saturday and Sunday 12:00-18:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +1 323 932 9393
Text: Joanna Kawecki