エブリマン・スクリーン・オン・ザ・グリーンEveryman Screen On The Green

© Everyman Cinemas
On Islington’s busy Upper Street, famous for its long history of theatre and entertainment, one place in particular captivates one’s attention – Everyman Screen On The Green is a cinema located opposite Islington green賑やかなイスルリントン・アッパーストリートに入ると、長い歴史を持つ古い劇場が目を引く。エブリマン・スクリーン・オン・ザ・グリーンはイスルリントン・グリーンの向かいに位置する映画館だ。古い建物が多いロンドンだが、その中でもこの劇場は特に古い雰囲気を醸し出す。しかし、一歩建物に足を踏み入るとただの古いビルではないことに驚かされるだろう。
Everyman Screen On The Green
住所:83 Upper Street, Islington, London N1 0NP
TEL:+44 (0)871 906 9060
Text: Nari Hong. There are many old buildings in London, but this old theatre evokes an atmosphere of unique antiquity. However, if you go inside, you are surprised as it is not just a mere old-fashioned building.
This building was established in 1911, and is a well known venue for the gig, The Buzzcocks and The Clash played for the opening of the Sex Pistols in 1976. Then in 2009, their facilities were refurbished to improve the quality of the screen and sound. Everyman has nine cinemas in the UK including The Green. It originally started as Hampstead Drill Hall and Assembly Rooms. After that, it changed to a theatre. Everyman cinema, which opened in Hampstead in 1933, became one of the representative old cinemas of Britain today.
At Screen On the Green, you can experience the special space designed for your extra comfort. There are125 seats in total. Although the scale is small, they try to offer enough space for each person. Each of the 48 premiere seats has a footstall. In addition, at the back of the theatre, there is a bar where people can buy snacks, food and various drinks which the bar staff can serve to your personal table, next to your seat. From all of these aspects, you can feel the British delicate kindness in the cinema. In addition to their regular programming, the theatre also offers alternative content including screenings of NT Live, Late Night cult classics, Kids Club and Baby Club for mums and dads with babies.This information can be checked on their website.
Islington Upper Street is a popular place for London workers as it has various great restaurants and gigs. In this abundant cultural area, this venue will provide a unique experience of London to you.
Everyman Screen On The Green
Address: 83 Upper Street, Islington, London N1 0NP
Tel: +44 (0)871 906 9060
Text: Nari Hong