サドラーズ・ウェルズSadler’s Wells

photo: Morley von Sternburg
「サドラーズ・ウェルズ」劇場は、ダイナミックで現代的なプログラムを通して、イギリス中、そして世界中の優れたダンスをロンドンの観客に送り出している。現在のSadler’s Wells is a theatre with a strong, dynamic contemporary programme, uniquely dedicated to bringing the very best international and UK dance to London audiences. イスリントンのローズベリー・アベニューにある劇場は、1998年にオープンした。これまで最初の劇場のオープン以来、300年以上の歴史を築いてきた。
Sadler’s Wells
住所:Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TN
TEL:+44 0 20 7863 8096
Translation: Tatsuhiko Akutsu The present building on Rosebery Avenue in Islington opened in 1998, after a major fundraising programme, supported by Lottery funding.
Sadler’s Wells breaks new ground in theatre design with its stylish, accessible front-of-house areas, flexible auditorium and purpose-built entertaining and meeting spaces. But behind the stylish glass, brick, wood and steel of the new theatre is a history of over 300 years and six previous theatre buildings which have all carried the Sadler’s Wells name and occupied the same site since the very first Sadler’s Wells theatre opened in 1683.
From cutting-edge performance to mainstream contemporary dance, tango to tap and flamenco to family shows, the joy of movement and celebration of dance are always at the heart of Sadler’s Wells.
When Sadler’s Wells set out to build a new theatre on its historic site in Islington in 1996, the company moved to the Peacock Theatre, with its central location just off Kingsway. When the new Sadler’s Wells theatre opened in 1998, the Peacock stayed on to play an important role in the Sadler’s Wells group. Since 2003, a refurbishment programme has rejuvenated the foyer, ticket office and bars, while outside, the newly pedestrianised surroundings have given the Peacock a contemporary profile, fully worthy of the Sadler’s Wells name.
Sadler’s Wells
Address: Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TN
Tel: +44 0 20 7863 8096
Sadler’s Wells
地址:Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TN
电话:+44 0 20 7863 8096