ニューポート・ストリート・ギャラリーNewport Street Gallery

Newport Street Gallery © Victor Mara Ltd, Photo: Prudence Cuming
Damien Hirst is arguably one of the most well-known artists in the UK, and since breaking out onto the art scene in the 1990s he has stamped his mark onto the concept of being an artist. In 1995 he won the Turner Prize and he has been acclaimed for how he has raised the profile of art in the UK.1990年代にアートシーンに現れ、従来のアーティストという概念を覆したダミアン・ハーストは、おそらくイギリスで最も有名なアーティストといっても過言ではないだろう。1995年にイギリスの国立美術館テートよりターナー賞を受賞し、イギリスのアートに対する人々の注目度を高めたと讃えられた。
Newport Street Gallery
住所:Newport Street, London SE11 6AJ
TEL:+44 20 3141 9320
Text: Mike Sullivan
Translation: Natsu HoriiNewport Street Gallery is the culmination of Hirst’s desire to share his art collection with the public. It is located in Lambeth, south London, not too far from famous landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament and close to other well-known art venues like Beaconsfield Contemporary Art which have sprung up in the local area.
The gallery is made up of listed buildings built towards the beginning of the twentieth century and were used as scenery painting studios. The conversion of these buildings was designed by architects Caruso St John, who have really created quite a special space! In fact the gallery has six exhibition areas and spans 37,000 square feet.
The Tramshed features an artwork by Damien Hirst in the centre of the restaurant; a chick standing on a cow – which is quite fitting as that is exactly what is on the menu! Any visit to a Hix restaurant is something to look forward to, but to eat while surrounded by Damien Hirst’s work is certainly an experience I will have to try soon.
A rather commercial aspect of the gallery is the existence of a shop, but commercial considerations or not it is certainly making art more accessible to people who might not otherwise buy anything. You can find limited edition artwork by established and emerging artists, including work by the man himself – Damien Hirst.
Newport Street Gallery
Address: Newport Street, London SE11 6AJ
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (last admission 17:45)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +44 20 3141 9320
Text: Mike Sullivan