22シップス22 Ships

© 22 Ships
Wan Chai is commercial area but it still holds traditional Hong Kong culture, shopping, entertainment and residential style. Few minutes walk from the MTR station, you’ll find this tapas bar “22 ships” on this ship street商業地域でありながら香港の下町文化を色濃く残す湾仔(ワンチャイ)。湾仔駅から徒歩数分の船街(シップス・ストリート)にある、住所を店名にしたタパスバーがここ「22シップス」だ。
22 Ships
住所:22 Ship Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
営業時間:12:00〜15:00, 18:00〜23:00(日曜日 12:00〜14:30, 18:00〜22:00)
TEL:+852 2555 0722
Text: Kanae Tamase, named for its address.
An entrepreneur Yenn Wong and Michelin Star Chef Jason Atherton has collaborated for this casual tapas bar of no reservation-no service charge(usually 10% added in HK). 1,500 square foot with 35 seats, this no-too-big bar was designed by well-known, award-winning design firm Neri & Hu Design Research Office (NHDRO) in Shanghai.
The characteristic, under-developing atmosphere of Wan Chai and old-and-new design is harmonized in 22 ships. You will feel the pleasant winds coming into when you visit this open-air tapas bar. Why not enjoy the “Para Picar”(small dishes) and beautifully cooked Seafood, Veges, Meat tapas at your choice and don’t forget to try Atherton’s amazing desserts!
22 Ships
Address: 22 Ship Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 (Sunday 12:00-14:30, 18:00-22:00)
Tel: +852 2555 0722
Text: Kanae Tamase