
山口ザビエル記念聖堂Yamaguchi Xavier Memorial Church

© Yamaguchi Catholic Church

© Yamaguchi Catholic Church

Yamguchi Xavier Memorial Church was built in 1952 as a 400 year memorial of Francisco de Xavier arriving to Japan as a Christian missionary. After September 1991キリスト教を伝える宣教師として日本を訪れた、フランシスコ・サビエル来山400年を記念して1952年に建てられ、1991年9月に焼失した後、1998年4月に新しい記念聖堂が再建された。白亜に輝く教会は、イタリア人のコンスタンチノ・ルッジェリ神父とルイジ・レオニ氏によって設計され、神を象徴する「光」「水」「テント」が全体のテーマとなっている。



休館日:2F聖堂/無休 1Fクリスチャン記念館/水曜休館

Text: Wakana Kawahito
, when the building burnt down in a fire accident, a new memorial church was built in April, 1998. The sparkling church was designed by Italian Father Ruggieri Constantino and Luigi Leoni. “Light”, “Water” and “Tent” as symbols of God, are the main themes of the building.

The design of the building was inspired by a tent. On the roof, there are 2 towers including the 53 meter high clock tower and the bell tower. Messages of happiness and peace to the citizens and children are carved into the 9 bells of the bell tower.

Inside the church is a stained glass with the motif of the Creation story from the Old Testment. The stained glass featuring vibrant colors, changes itself as the light pours in to the building and to the uniquely designed cross and altar. On the 1st floor, there is a memorial hall with illustrated information on Xavier.

Yamaguchi Xavier Memorial Church
Address: 4-1B Kameyama-cho, Yamaguchi
Opening Hours: 9:00-17:30 (Closed on Wednesday)
Tel: 083-920-1549

Text: Wakana Kawahito
Translation: Akio Usui

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