
宗祠KINZongci Kin

© Zongci KIN

© Zongci KIN

Zongci KIN is a complex which consists of the following 3 factors; Shop, Cafe and Lab which all represents places people gather around. It was opened in 2010 by Gary Wang宗祠KINは、ショップ・カフェ・ラボの3つからなる、人が集まるための場所。2010年、上海のヒップホップシーンで重要な「ザ・シェルター」や「ザ・ラボ」を手がけたゲイリー・ウォンらが、中心部の南京西路から近く洋館も建ち並ぶ通りにオープンさせた。




TEL:+86 21 6217 3355

Text: Hiromi Nomoto
, a producer of The Shelter and The Lab that are famous in the Shanghai’s hip-hop music scene. The Zongci KIN is located around the center of west Nanjing road where western-style buildings stand in line.

In the Shop space, selected items are on display. Among them are well known Nike, Converse, VANS. They also have brands focused on the unique and interesting young generation such as True Clothing, Ongaku, Stones Throw, Ubiquity, Waxpoetics and Kid Robot.

In the Cafe, the ceiling made out of glass gives an openness and comfortable atmosphere to the place. Made by the American chef, delicious original and healthy sandwich, pasta, and sweets are served. The main focus is based on preparing selected healthy ingredients cooked simply. Other than meals served, coffee, tea, beer, and assorted original cocktails could be enjoyed as well. Enjoy the atmosphere with music while enjoying your healthy delicious but simple meal at the Zongci KIN.

On the second floor, there is a DJ lab hidden, where anyone can learn how to become a DJ for free. It is a place where offers not only music, but a chance to learn. From sharing and interacting with one another the lab holds an important role where it allows the participants to connect and enjoy the difference in the music produced.

Zongci KIN
Address: 4, No.65 Maoming Road, Jingan District, Shanghai
Opening Hours: 11:30-23:00
Tel: +86 21 6217 3355

Text: Hiromi Nomoto
Translation: Julie Morikawa


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