
ラ・サラマンドラ・モッツァレラ・イ・ドゥルセ・デ・レーチェ・バーLa Salamandra Dulce de Leche and Mozzarella bar

© La Salamandra Dulce de Leche and Mozzarella bar

© La Salamandra Dulce de Leche and Mozzarella bar

アルゼンチンのみならず南米各国で愛されている有名なお菓子「ドゥルセ・デ・レーチェ」。砂糖を加えた牛乳をキャラメルになるまで煮詰めたこのお菓子は世界的にも有名Among the distinctive symbols of Argentina, Dulce de Leche is definitely one of the most important ones. This delicacy made out of milk and sugar is internationally famous and every tourist visiting Buenos Aires is likely to try to sample itであり、アルゼンチンを訪れたことがある人なら、一度は食べた経験があるという人も多いのではないだろうか。





La Salamandra Dulce de Leche and Mozzarella bar
住所:4761 El Salvador Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4831-1600

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine
. As from September 2008, there is a place in Palermo especially dedicated to this: ‘La Salamandra Mozzarella y Dulce de Leche Bar’.

“The ideal of the company is to show two premium products such as Dulce de Leche and Buffalo Mozzarella — Buffarella— represented in a delicate confectionery in the first case, and delicious salads and open sandwiches with mozzarella,” says Guillermo Piedrabuena, the person responsible for this entrepreneurship.

La Salamandra was born as a brand name in the late 1990s with a dairy farm and self production located in Exaltación De La Cruz, in the province of Buenos Aires. There Premium Dulce de Leche, Fresh Mozzarella and Mascarpone are made, among other products.

The best formulas to taste the stars of the bar are: Buffarella Foccacia with grilled tomatoes and eggplant, smoked salmon salad with Buffarella bocconcini and crispy toast, mushroom medley and mozzarella pie. As regards sweet delights, the Thin Dulce de Leche Premium Crepe will make you finish your meal in ecstasy.

There is a predominance of brightness and white colour shades in the store and there are several tables outdoors to enjoy the essence of dulce de leche and the spirit of the streets in Palermo Soho.

La Salamandra Dulce de Leche and Mozzarella bar
Address: 4761 El Salvador Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 9:00 – 21:00
Tel: +54 11 4831-1600

Text: Celeste Najt
La Salamandra Dulce de Leche and Mozzarella bar
地址:4761 El Salvador Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4831-1600

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