
ベルグラーノ中華街Belgrano Chinatown

© Belgrano Chinatown

The sushi boom is alive here in Argentina. Today in Buenos Aires, the sushi culture is very familiar to people thanks not only to increasing Japanese restaurants, but also other various east asian shopsここアルゼンチンでも寿司ブームは健在である。日本料理のレストランに限らず、色々な店で寿司を食べれるようになった。またデリバリー文化の大変盛んなアルゼンチンでは、寿司のデリバリーはピザに続いて人気を誇っている。日本料理を筆頭に東南アジア系のアジアンフードや中華料理は、ここ移民大国で幅広く親しまれている。


中華街に食事を楽しみに行くのはもちろんだが、なんといってもスーパーには食材が豊富に揃っている。街の一般的なスーパーでも海苔やコシヒカリ米などの寿司の食材を一式買える時代だが、アジアの食材が文句なしに揃っているのがここベルグラーノの中華街。メインストリートにある中国屋「Casa China」や、メンドーサ通りにある東亜スーパーでは新鮮な魚介類や、普通のスーパーでは簡単に手に入らない牛蒡やニラ、里芋などの珍しい野菜がお手ごろ価格で手に入る。


Belgrano Chinatown(ベルグラーノ中華街)
住所:2100 – 2300 Arribeños street, Belgrano, Buenos Aires

Text and photo: Mami Goda
. The culture of delivery service is very active in Argentina and the sushi is one of the most popular delivery foods after pizza. It’s logical that in this huge immigrant country, Japanese food, Southeast Asian and Chinese cuisine which are so-called Asian cuisine are widely popular.

Chinatown in Buenos Aires is located near Belgrano train station. At the beginning of Arribeños street, which is the main street of Chinatown, there is a typical Chinese gate through which a common bustling Chinatown starts.

Going to enjoy a meal in Chinatown is of course one of the most important objectives of people, but they also go to enjoy shopping in the supermarkets. Actually you can easily find sushi ingredients (a kind of set of Koshihikari rice and Nori, etc) in any supermarket of the city, but it’s worth going to Belgrano Chinatown for any rare Asian ingredients. The supermarket Casa China, located on the main street and East Asia on Mendoza street are very famous for their fresh seafood and fresh rare vegetables at a reasonable price such as burdock, leek or taro that are impossible to get in any daily supermarket.

People visit Belgrano not only to get rare Asian ingredients but also all kinds of grain and dry matter (dried tomatoes, mushrooms) which are especially loved in northern Argentina and Bolivia, represented by quinoa. Each weekend Chinatown is full of couples and families coming to enjoy lunch as well as the markets and it transforms into a popular walking spot.

Belgrano Chinatown (Barrio Chino)
Address: 2100 – 2300 Arribeños street, Belgrano, Buenos Aires

Text and photo: Mami Goda
Belgrano Chinatown(贝尔格拉诺唐人街)
地址:2100 – 2300 Arribeños street, Belgrano, Buenos Aires

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