
スリスムッド・ギャラリーSlyzmud Gallery

© Slyzmud Gallery

© Slyzmud Gallery

There is no stopping the amount of novelty present in the Buenos Aires art scene. The latest news is the opening of a simple, charming, elegant art gallery with a different offer. It is Slyzmud常に多くの新鮮さで溢れているブエノスアイレスのアートシーン。最近では、シンプルでチャーミング、なおかつエレガントで少し変わったアートギャラリーがオープンしたという噂。それが、スリスムッド。このプロジェクトでは、若手の2人の女性、ナタリア・スライとラリッサ・スムッドが、国内と海外のアートを融合させたギャラリーを設立した。



Slyzmud Gallery
住所:Bonpland 721, Chacarita, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 15 6617 1997 / 5412 9138

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Frances Jyo
, the project of two young girls, Natalia Sly and Larisa Zmud, who have become imbued with local and international art.

The main idea of the gallery lies in making a special artistic composition in every exhibition, seeking for the works to be in a dialogue with the architecture and the elements in the space itself.

Three exhibitions have been hosted here so far, each blending the work of young artists who work in different disciplines. The first composition involved paintings only, whereas in the second one there was a combination with works in mixed technique, and the third was the presentation of a Residency project based in Mar del Plata which involved artistic installation, photography, paintings, and mixed technique.

The mixture is interesting; emerging artists become blended with artists with a longer career allowing for different aesthetic games. The owners’ idea is to bring together in harmony different techniques and artists within these compositions, thus inviting spectators to travel, to experience through a new game of senses.

Slyzmud Gallery
Address: Bonpland 721, Chacarita, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 12:00-19:00 (Closed on Saturday and Sunday)
Tel: +54 15 6617 1997 / 5412 9138

Text: Celeste Najt


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