

© Moliere Co, Ltd.

© Moliere Co, Ltd.

Biei is a town known for its views of hills and field. Located in the town, Asperges is a restaurant where serves seasonal cuisine cooked with fresh vegetables and food produced in the town of Biei田畑がおりなすパッチワークの風景で知られる丘の町・美瑛。美瑛の丘で育った新鮮な食材で、旬の美味しさを味わえるのが、レストラン・アスペルジュだ。北海道を代表するフレンチシェフ・中道博氏がプロデュースしている。


アスペルジュでは、野菜を中心としたコースや単品料理を提供している。一例をあげると、20種類の野菜の取り合わせ「美瑛の畑」(写真)、「美瑛産豚肩ロースとエピスを使ったコンフィ さやかのピューレ添え」など美瑛の食材を丁寧に仕上げた料理を楽しめる。ランチコースは2,100円から。ディナーは2,650円から。



住所:北海道上川郡美瑛町大町2丁目 美瑛選果内
営業時間:ランチタイム 11:00~14:30(冬期11:30〜)
     ティータイム 14:30~16:00
     ディナータイム 17:00~19:00(7月・8月は20:00まで)
. The restaurant is produced by a Hokkaido’s leading chef Hiroshi Nakamichi.

Since opening a French restaurant “Molier“, Nakamichi launched various restaurants such as “L’enfant qui reve” located in Moerenuma Park and “Maccarina” in Makkari, and has worked for activity focusing on the food produced in Hokkaido.

Asperges offers a la carte menus and course menus using vegetables. One of them is a salad plate using 20 different kinds of vegetables (photo). Lunch course starts from 2,100 yen, and dinner dish from 2,650 yen.

Asperges is located in “Bieisenka“, where you can buy jams and fresh vegetables. In summer some of the dessert menu at Asperges and other vegetable sweets can be purchased at Bieikoubou attached to the Bieisenka.

Asperges will offer you an opportunity to experience the freshness of vegetables, especially for those of you from outside Hokkaido.

Restaurant Asperges
Address: Biei Senka, 2 Omachi, Biei, Hokkaido
Opening Hours: Luch 11:00-14:30 / Tea 14:30-16:00 / Dinner 17:00-19:00
(Winter season from 11:30 / July, August till 20:00)
Closed on Wednesday (no closed while July and August)
Tel: 0166-92-5522

Translation: Mariko Takei

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