ロングストリート・バーLongstreet Bar

© Longstreet Bar
Zurich nightlife is hectic. It is definitely not hard to find a nice spot to have a drink or be surrounded by trendy people, but there is nothing like Longstreet Bar. Located in Langstrasse street, in the heart of the Red districtチューリッヒのナイトライフは忙しい。お洒落な人たちに囲まれてお酒を飲む素敵なスポットを見つけるのは簡単だけれども、ロングストリート・バーのような場所はなかなか見つからない。赤線街の中心部、ラングシュトラーセ(ロングストリート)通りにあるこのバーは、この地域の先駆者として7年前にオープンし、それまでここにはなかった全く新しい雰囲気を若者に発信してきた。
創設者のバルベル・ポスティアーシとレガ・ クンドールの2人の女性によって経営されているこのお店では、常に多くの人たちに向けて、実験的であったり、面白い組み合わせのものなど様々な企画を打ち出している。コンサートやパーティーイベントとともに、火曜から土曜まではDJイベントを行っており、ジャンルはエレクトロニカからパンク、ヒップホップ、チルアウトまで様々。バーベルとレガは新たな企画において、創造性を何より重要視し、インスピレーション溢れるプロジェクトに積極的だ。
Longstreet Bar
住所:Langstrasse 92, 8004 Zurich
TEL:+41 (0)44 241 2172
Text: Celeste Najt, this bar arisen seven years ago as one of the pioneers of the area, took the risk attracting a young and alternative vibe that wasn’t there before.
The project is managed by Barbel Postiasi – the original founder- and Lhaga Koondhor, two girls who work constantly to offer a challenging and eclectic program to their public. They have dj’s nights from Tuesday to Saturday, beside of concerts and parties. The styles can vary from electronic to punk, hip hop, chill out, electro. For Barbel and Lhaga creativeness is really important, they are completely receptive to new projects, if they have an enough amount of inspiration.
The bar is divided in two floors. The ground floor hosts the bar. Red lights and comfortable couches complete the atmosphere. The appearance is like the one of a typical cabaret bar but tuned up in a more contemporary nightlife style. The second floor is smaller, here you can find the dj cabin (occasionally, for special parties, djs can also play on the ground floor) and where smoking is allowed. Recently they organized a couple of events in collaboration with the Kunsthalle Zurich, and djs from Berlin, US and Zurich were performing.
There are not fixed rules for entertainment at Longstreet bar, the thing is about being surprised and enjoy the night with all your senses.
Longstreet Bar
Address: Langstrasse 92, 8004 Zurich
Opening Hours: 20:00 – (Closed on Sunday, Monday)
Tel: +41 (0)44 241 2172
Text: Celeste Najt