
© Kaufleuten
Zurich is a city with wonderful restaurants, cultural venues and concert halls. But there is only one place in which you can enjoy all these things one after the other: Kaufleuten. Kaufleuten exists since 1915チューリッヒには素晴らしいレストランや文化施設、コンサートホールなどがあるが、これらすべてを一度に楽しむことができる場所がある。それがカウフロイテンだ。カウフロイテンは1915年に設立されており、その土地を保有しているKVZというビジネススクールが建物も所有している。
カウフロイテンは時代を象徴する場所でもある。1916年にはレーニンの有名な演説が行われ、1918年には美術界に大きな論争を引き起こした「ダダ」主義者達による8回目の「ダダの夕べ」が開催された。(「ダダ宣言1918」はこの時に発表されている。)同年、ジェイムズ・ジョイスによるオスカーワイルド作の喜劇「The Importance of Being Earnest(真面目が肝心)」が上演されている。今日では年に150~200もの文化的イベント(コンサート、公開朗読会、ショー、会議等)が開催され、週末になれば、23時に2つのホールで異なるパーティが開かれ、大いに賑わっている。
住所:Pelikanstrasse 18, 8001 Zurich
TEL:+41 (0)44 225 3300
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Eri Yamauchi. The building belongs to the business education school KVZ that till Today is the leaseholder of the establishment.
Kaufleuten consists of a restaurant, two historical halls: the “Festsaal” -built in 1929- and the “Klubsaal” -built in 1915-, a Lounge with an open terrace, the Pelikan bar, plus a few bars inside the halls where concerts and parties take place.
Kaufleuten is an emblematic place: Lenin had a famous speech in 1916, the Dada-movement had one of its biggest scandals in 1918 with the 8th soiree, and in the same year James Joyce stages Oscar Wilde´s “The Importance of Being Earnest”. Nowadays they have around 150-200 cultural events per year (concerts, readings, cabarets, discussions etc.). Every night at 23 there is a different party in the bigger hall while during weekends there are parties in both halls.
Among the most impressive presentations that had happened at Kaufleuten we find the Swiss Music Awards, the Jazz No Jazz, the Zurich Film Festival, the Zurich Openair Festival of Literature, the Philip Glass Festival, The Max Bill Anniversary, The great Truman Capote Evening, among many others. Artists such as Grizzly Bear, Amy Winehouse, Norah Jones, Jamiroquai did their presentations at Kaufleuten.
Regarding the pleasure of food, this is something easy to fulfill here: at the restaurant you will find fresh, seasonal food from organic farms and exquisite wines meanwhile the Pelikan bar offers delicious breakfast and a beautiful patio to enjoy lunch during the spring or summer.
If you are visiting Zurich, just stop by to have a drink and a lovely dinner whilst you choose the concert or party that fits better with your taste.
Address: Pelikanstrasse 18, 8001 Zurich
Opening Hours: Different from facilities
Tel: +41 (0)44 225 3300
Text: Celeste Najt