レ・コンプリースLes Complices

© Les Complices
Zurich has quite a variety of interesting art places to discover. Each project has its own identity; such is the case of Les Complices, a very special venue whereチューリッヒにはたくさんのおもしろいアートスペースを見つけることができ、それぞれには違った個性がある。レ・コンプリースは、その中でもとても特別な場所だ。ここにはなんでもあるといっても過言ではない。レ・コンプリースは2002年に創設され、2006年からはキュレーターでありアーティストでもあるアンドレア・タイがプロジェクトを運営しており、主にイベントの企画を数々コラボレーションしている。
Les Complices
住所:Anwandstrasse 9, CH-8004 Zürich
営業時間:木・金・土曜日 14:00〜18:00(展覧会により異なる)
TEL:+41 (0)43 243 8877
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Ayami Ueda – almost- everything can happen. It was founded in 2002, but since 2006 Andrea Thal – curator & artist – runs the project. She usually works with collaborators, especially for the design of the events.
The most interesting thing about Les Complices is that everything is possible there: exhibitions, performances, screenings, discussions, talks and other cultural events take place constantly, creating a lively environment, promoting a constant exchange between the artists and the visitors. There is only one rule to follow: always has to be a consistent idea or purpose behind each event.
Their activities are rooted in an understanding of culture which critically discusses and intervenes in social and political issues such as working and living conditions, the various forms of racism present in Western societies, cultural politics, hetero-normativity and capitalism.
Les Complices invite artists, curators and people in general to experience fluent processes of work, by revoking pre established relations they let a free space for improvisation and surprise. The Swiss Federal Office of Culture has recognized Les Complices in several occasions. The level of the work they make is really good and worth to take a look if you are around.
For the immediate future, Les complices has a lot of upcoming events. Better to check out their website to know about it, and attend without hesitating. Les complices is one of a kind place to discover.
Les Complices
Address: Anwandstrasse 9, CH-8004 Zürich
Opening Hours: Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 14:00 – 18:00 (Irregular for exhibitions and continuous projects)
Tel: +41 (0)43 243 8877
Text: Celeste Najt