神奈川県立金沢文庫Kanazawa-Bunko Museum

© Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa-Bunko Museum
Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa-Bunko Museum is a medieval history museum which opened in 1930 as one of the Kanagawa prefecture’s facilities. Its origin goes back to the foundation of the library神奈川県立金沢文庫は1930年から神奈川県の施設として活動している中世歴史博物館だ。その源は鎌倉時代、北条実時により創設された文庫にまでさかのぼり、現在は運慶の作品・大威徳明王像をはじめ、主に鎌倉時代の彫刻や絵画、仏教資料、古文書などを保管している。
Text: Meiko Maruyama (“bunko”) by Sanetoki Hojo of the Kanazawa-Hojo family during the Kamakura period (from the end of the 12th century until 1333). Currently, the facility stores sculptures, paintings, Buddhism records, and ancient writings from the Kamakura period.
Exhibitions are held six times a year, providing people with a chance to learn about both history and culture with the contents of Buddhist statues, paintings, and medieval-histories. The curators and visiting lecturers have seminars every month and they try to introduce some of the basic ideas of study and research achievements in an easy to understand manner. Interpretations of on-going exhibitions are held on weekends and it creates an opportunity to learn about Kanagawa prefecture in-depth and with satisfaction.
Additionally, the facility has a library that stores approximately 63,000 books and allows the public to come into contact with more than just history and culture. The library contains an impressive collection of specialized books in history, religion and art. Manga (Japanese comic books) and books that explain history with an easy to understand approach are also available (the books are all written in Japanese).
In Kanazawa-Bunko, many of the cultural assets from Shomyo-ji (a family temple of the Kanazawa-Hojo family) have been deposited and the exhibitions allow us to come in contact with the intensity of the actual objects. Kanazawa-Bunko and Shomyo-ji are connected by a tunnel. To experience both these cultural assets, and the environment that has introduced the assets, is also fascinating.
Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa-Bunko Museum
Address: 142 Kanazawa-cho, Kanawzawa-ku, Yokohama
Opening Hours: 9:00-16:30 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 040-701-9069
Text: Meiko Maruyama