ク・ギャラリーKU Gallery

© KU Gallery
Ku gallery was launched in 2011 and is located in the center of Taipei. The gallery focuses on emerging modern art. Ku gallery was opened by Chengli Ku, who has an educational background in design and visual artsク・ギャラリーは台北の中心に2011年に設立された現代美術を扱っているギャラリーだ。このギャラリーはデザインとビジュアルアートの学歴を持つ、チェンギル・クによって作られた。ギャラリーはまだオープンして間もないが、キュレーターの現代アートへの造形は深く、これからどんどんアート分野での新しい風を台湾に起こしてくれるだろう。
KU Gallery
TEL:+886 2 2755 5985
Text: Tomomi Sakuma. It is still a new gallery, but the curator has detailed knowledge about contemporary art and he creates new art movements in Taiwan.
Ku says, “The ethos of ‘No need to go far to get far; art is all around’ is not meant to promote art-stars or build a giant gallery, but is to establish a daily habit of ‘visiting galleries’ by continuously sharing and exchanging things about art. KU gallery wants to energize and inspire the local people.”
Ku gallery is dedicated to creating an environment in which the global art community is engaged. It always inspires fresh and exciting feelings in visitors. A lot of Taiwanese will become familiar with contemporary art and get inspiration from KU gallery, as Chengli Ku hopes.
KU Gallery
Address: No.9, Lane 14, Si Wei Road, Da’an District, Taipei
Open: 11:00-20:00 (Saturday, Sunday till 18:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +886 2 2755 5985
Text: Tomomi Sakuma