キャリン・セヴェノーCarine Thevenau

© Carine Thevenau
Carine is a Sydney-based photographer, who knows her hometown like the palm of her hand. Always on the go, Carine photographs extraordinary people and shoots in equally intriguing locations, making her the perfect insider to the best of the best in Sydneyキャリンは、シドニーを拠点として活動するフォトグラファーで、故郷のことは全て手の中にあるように熟知している。いつも忙しく、並外れた素晴らしい人々や、魅力的なロケーションで撮影してまわっている彼女にシドニーを案内させれば完璧だ。彼女の写真は幅広くのクライアントに広がっており、彼女の写真の繊細なスタイルは見ればすぐに彼女のものだと気づく。彼女の商業的な仕事としてはローリングストーンズ誌やヴォーグ誌などがあり、五感を喜ばせるような写真の数々が掲載されている。そして、温かくてカジュアルな街が、彼女の仕事に良いインスピレーションを与えていることは間違いない。
レッドファーンの「Coffee, Tea and Me」で過ごすのが好きです。ここは目立たないお店ですけど、いろんなキャラクターの飾りがあたりにちりばめられています。気の合う人と、コラボレーションプロジェクトについてミーティングするのに最高の場所です。
Carine Thevenau
TEL:+61 2 9690 2299
Text: Joanna Kawecki
Translation: Mio Ota. Her photography spans a broad range of clients, yet her signature delicate style is easy to recognise. Her commercial work include Rolling Stones magazine and Vogue, accompanied by her personal images that are a sensorial delight. And it is no doubt that the warm and casual city she resides in certainly inspires her work…
Carine, what has been the highlight of your week so far?
Shooting artist Jodee Knowles, semi-nude in a kiddy pool filled with water on my balcony.
I was trying to make it appear as if she is submerged in a lake or river. It worked!
Can you please share with us your favourite galleries for photography, art or design in Sydney?
At the moment I think Sydney is lacking in original spaces for artists to exhibit their work. Some friends of mine have recently taken up residency inside defunct train stations to use as exhibition spaces for young contemporary artists. The curators of such projects are enriching our art scene and making art more accessible and more interesting to a much wider audience.
My recommendations to experience visual artists in a traditional space visit: MCA – the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, the Art Gallery of NSW!
Where is the best place to see some emerging local photography?
The Australian Centre of Photography located in Paddington supports many established and emerging photography practices. They house a dark room, which the public can pay to use the fascilities as well as studios within. They seem non biased in regards to showing both emerging contemporary artists as well as many master photographers work under the same roof. Stills Gallery also support young emerging visual artists, though not so photography-specific.
When meeting a new client, or catching up with an old friend- where is your favourite place to have a good coffee?
I love Coffee, Tea and Me in Redfern. It’s a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, but has such an assortment of characters hovering around. It’s a great place to meet a like-minded person to discuss a collaborative project.
Can you also please share with us a particularly photogenic location in Sydney that you like to shoot?
Sydney and its sprawling countryside, found only hours from the city, provide endless locations’ possibilities. All you need is a splash of imagination as mother nature is the best set designer in the world.
Carine Thevenau
Represented by Network Agency
Tel: +61 2 9690 2299
Text: Joanna Kawecki