オルビー・デザインOlby Design

© Olby Design
Olby Design is the Swedish furniture brand started by Kerstin Olby in 1980. In her own words – “Furniture is supposed to resist the wear of both hand and eye.” The store, which is also HQ showroom, is located in the area of Östermalmオルビー・デザインはシャスティン・オルビーが1980年に始めたスウェディッシュ家具ブランドだ。『家具は視覚と触覚に良いものであるべきだ』と彼女は語る。その店はHQショールームも兼ね備え、ストックホルムの金融街として良く知られているオスターマルムにある。そこは、スカンジナビアをベースにした数々のショールームが存在する。そのお店は、沢山のレストランやショップのあるとても立地の良い、街の中心の右に位置する。
Olby Design Showroom & Shop
住所:Sturegatan 24, 114 36 Stockholm
TEL:+46 (0)8 666 9520
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Yoko Kazama, known as the financial district of Stockholm. Here locate many of the HQ based in Scandinavia. It has a very easy access, right in the middle of the city, with lots of restaurants and other stores.
Still loyal to the Swedish tradition of simplicity and functionality, Kerstin Olby tosses in her concepts other elements gathered from different cultures: Asia, the British legacy or the American input. This shows off in the name of each model within the collection. In fact, she feels confortable renewing old models that slightly turn into a modern piece.
Every year from 1993 to 1998, Olby awarded the Excellent Swedish Design award, a desired prize for many Scandinavian designers. In fact, Kerstin Olby has also been awarded the Swedish prize for architectural construction in wood; Träpriset 1988 for her own house, Villa Olby.
They are the only company working with limestone, collected at the mountain of Kinnekulle, in Sweden. This limestone is a sedimentary rock, dolomite from fossils and sandstone created for more than 500 millions of years. There is only one stone factory left, run by the 5th generation of the Thor family. Other common materials in Olby’s details are glass, iron, wools and linens.
The collection compiles a vast offer, including storage, tables, drawers, chairs, beds and sofas. This versatility makes able fit in both private and public spaces, including the Swedish Prime Minister´s official residence and as in a number of embassies around the world. Olby’s sideboards are probably their most characteristic pieces within the collection. Olby’s current offer is a combination of rustic and earthy-like furniture with the addition of color in a very pop-art spirit.
If you are interested in furniture design, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to pay a visit to Kerstin Olby at her showroom. This brand means a watershed in the history of Scandinavian design.
Olby Design Showroom & Shop
Address: Sturegatan 24, 114 36 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 11:0-18:00 (Saturday till 15:00)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: +46 (0)8 666 9520
Text: Victor Moreno