小樽市能楽堂Otaru Nougakudo

© Otaru Nougakudo
Otaru Nougakudo (Otaru Noh stage) is the only full-scale Noh stage in north of Tokyo. This Noh stage was built in 1926 in the courtyard of the residence of Ken Okazaki who has learnt the Hosho Noh東京以北では唯一の本格的な能舞台「小樽市能楽堂」。本堂は、宝生流門下で能楽を学んでいた、岡崎謙氏が自宅邸内に大正15年に竣工したもので、氏の没後(昭和29年)小樽市に寄贈、昭和36年に公会堂(明治44年竣工)の移設に伴って現在地に移された。岡崎謙氏は、父の事業を継ぎ、荒物雑穀商として成功を収め、市議会議員として小樽市にも貢献した人物だ。
. After his death in 1954, it was donated to the city of Otaru, and placed adjacent to the Otaru District Auditorium (constructed in 1911) which was moved to the current location in 1961. Ken Okazaki contributed to the city of Otaru as a city council member after his success as a merchant for household goods and corn followed after his father.
Modeled by the original Shiba Noh stage which was moved to Yasukuni Shrine, the Otaru Noh stage is built with specially selected trees ranging from pine, cedar, and cypress to the lignitized Japanese cedar in Sado. The architecture is stylized with the form which was set in the Edo Shogunate. The images of pine and bamboo painted on the back panel and a lion on the door were done by Mochinobu Kano, the 17th painter from the Kano School, who has stayed at the Okazaki residence for 2 months to finish painting. Those paintings are often acclaimed as one of the more prestigious pieces than that of National Noh Theatre.
As a result of completion of this stage, Noh became very popular in Otaru, as the number of Noh performances, teachers, and students has unprecedentedly increased in this suburban city. Even though performances of Noh and Kyogen (a form of traditional Japanese theater) are not regularly played, the stage is opened for public every year from the end of May to the beginning of September. During the open period, some pieces of gorgeous Noh costumes donated by the Okazaki Family are exhibited. This will be a great opportunity to experience the world of Noh aesthetic.
This Noh stage is not only designated as a historic landmark of the Otaru City, but also used as a place to encourage the use of the stage. In 2007 a group was organized for taking advantage of the Former Okazaki Family Noh Stage. It aims to rebuild the Noh stage by holding workshops, lives, and exhibitions using the stage. The stage is also used as a stage rehearsal and practice. Please contact Otaru City Hall for more information.
Otaru Nougakudo
Address: 5‐2-1 Hanazono, Otaru, Hokkaido
Opening Hours: 9:00-17:30 (From the end of May through September)
Tel: 0134-25-8800
Translation: Mariko Takei