阿寒湖Lake Akan

Photo: Inti-sol / CC BY SA 3.0
Lake Akan is located 60km, one hour away from Kushiro Airport. By the growth and eruption of Mount Oakan and Mount Meakan both located to the east shore of Lake Akan阿寒湖は釧路空港から60km、約1時間ほどの場所にある湖。阿寒湖東岸側に位置する雄阿寒岳や雌阿寒岳の成長や噴火によって埋め立てられたり分断をして現在の形に至っている。雌阿寒岳は今も尚活火山で、湖畔ではボッケと呼ばれる泥火山が噴出し、硫黄の臭いが周囲に立ちこめる。アイヌ語でボッケは「煮え立つ」という意。
Text: Tamami Kadowaki, the lake repeatedly went through landfill and separated until the current presence. Mount Meakan is still an active volcano, erupting mud volcano at the lakeside with a full of sulfurous air.
The whole of the lake is located in the Akan National Park and was designated as a Ramsar wetland site in 2005. Marimo (Lake ball), which is Special Natural Monument of Japan, Sockeye salmon and Japanese smelt live there. The Lake Akan Ecomuseum Center and the Maeda Ippoen Kinenkan (Maeda Ippoen Memorial Center), where are known for their contribution to the nature protection, tell us much about natural environment of Lake Akan.
If you want to enjoy the rich nature of Lake Akan, it’s good to take the cruiseferry. In the Marimo Exhibition and Observation Center, you can observe natural lake ball. Because of its unique appearance, lake ball is a popular souvenir but it’s artificial. The natural lake ball can be seen only in Lake Akan.
Among accommodations surrounding the lake, we recommend Tsuruga the most, where is awarded by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. From there, guests can enjoy panoramic view and fireworks in winter. On the frozen lake, leisure activities like skating, snowmobile and wakasagi fishing are popular.
Located on the west of the lake, the Ainu Kotan is the largest Ainu community. You can find shops that sell many kinds of folk art souvenir mainly centers on wood carvings. They also hold events that you can experience Ainu culture like Anclent Ainu Dance and traditional Ainu Jew’s harp called Mukkuri. The Iomante Fire Festival is held from fall to winter.
Lake Akan
Address: Akanko, Akan, Kushiro, Hokkaido
Tel: 0154-67-3200
Text: Tamami Kadowaki
Translation: Mariko Takei阿寒湖