モレイラ・サーレス・インスティテュートInstituto Moreira Salles

© Instituto Moreira Salles
Gávea is a privileged location in Rio de Janeiro. A neighborhood with a very active cultural scene where prominent galleries and famous theaters share their public with street art and smaller local productionsガヴィアはリオデジャネイロにおいて、ビーチや山からもほど近い恵まれた場所だ。近くには際立ったギャラリーや有名な劇場などが軒を連ね、ストリートアートや地元のアーティストの作品を市民と共有するカルチャーシーンが盛んだ。公園と緑地が多く、都市の中でも有数の自由奔放な土地の本元であり、普段から曜日を問わずたくさんの人で溢れている。この界隈の北側、都市公園の隣に、オープンガーデンと人口の湖と川が流れるこのモダニズムの建物は位置する。この家は1940年代に建てられ、一度はモレイラ・サーレス一家の住居として役立てられたのち、1999年には文化センターかつ多機能なアートスペースとしての目的により適するように刷新された。この美しい景観の中に展示室や映画、図書館、公会堂、アートショップ、アトリエ、そしてランチやアフタヌーンティーを楽しめるカフェテリアまでが揃っているのだ。
Instituto Moreira Salles
住所:Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 476 Gávea, Rio de Janeiro
TEL: +55 (21) 3284 7400
Text: Mariano Werneck
Translation: Ayami Ueda. Filled with parks and green areas, it is also home to one of the biggest bohemian spots in town and usually packed the whole week through. On the upper side of the neighborhood, lying next to the Parque da Cidade, is a modernist building surrounded by open gardens, an artificial lake and a flowing river. A house built in the 1940s, that once served as home for the Moreira Salles family and was refurbished in 1999 to better suit its new purpose: a cultural center and all round art space. In this beautiful setting you can now find exhibition rooms, cinemas, library, auditorium, art shop, ateliers and even a cafeteria where you can enjoy lunch or maybe an afternoon tea.
Today, the Instituto Moreira Salles works as a non-profit organization and is present in three states in Brazil. The goal is to promote and develop cultural programs acting mostly on initiatives conceived and executed in house. Focusing mainly on photography, literature, arts and Brazilian music, they offer a vast range of quality programs like exhibitions, lectures, concerts, courses and children’s programming. They are committed to developing regular programs aimed at training and long-term improvement as they tend to avoid short term, or should we say short sighted, events. Over the years, the institute has been turning into a major cultural reference in the city and, as a consequence, it’s taking a much bigger part on Rio’s cultural calendar. Between the months of September and October, for example, they become a venue for the Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival, also known as Festival do Rio, screening films from all over the world and helping bring the very best of international cinema to Brazil. Taken together, the Instituto Moreira Salles is already one of the largest private institutions devoted to culture and arts in Brazil.
Although a lot of the institute’s collection is available for consultation on their webpage, this place is definitely worth a visit. You can go online and get a hold of lectures, concerts, playlists, debates promoted by the different Cultural Centers of IMS and to find out more about their weekly schedule. But, when in Rio, even if you are just looking to get away from the noise, the IMS will surely offer an enjoyable afternoon surrounded by nature and art.
Instituto Moreira Salles
Address: Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 476 Gávea, Rio de Janeiro
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 20:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: +55 (21) 3284 7400
Text: Mariano Werneck