シモン・ポルト・ジャックムーSimon Porte Jacquemus

© Schnati Weiss
Paris-based Simon Porte Jacquemus is a self-taught fashion designer impressively young in his years, but creating collections with an impeccable intelligence of elegance wise beyond his years若い独学のファッションデザイナー・ジャックムーは、主にパリで活動している。彼の年齢では考えられない程、知的でエレガント、そして完成度の高いコレクションを作り出している。シンプルなスタイルにデザインされたレディースウエアは、どの服をとってもデザインにストーリーを感じることができる。例えば、自信をもったヒロインとラフでシックな気を使わない雰囲気を併せ持った楽なスタイルとの素敵な出会い。
「When I want I can(私がしたいと思ったときに何でもできる)」幼いころ、私はこの言葉がお気に入りでした。そしていまだに私にとって本当のことですし、いつもそういう風に考えています。
Text: Joanna Kawecki
Translation: Kyoko Ogawara. Dedicated to a minimalist style in womenswear, each piece of clothing designed tells a story. It is a poetic encounter of a self-assured heroine with effortless style, accompanied by a nonchalant influence of grunge chic.
Jacquemus‘ collections are found at Dover Street Market in London and Tokyo, and Opening Ceremony stores worldwide, where his experimental aesthetic poetically inspires the garment to the wearer.
Simon, you were born in the South of France, but have been living in Paris for many years. Why have you chosen Paris as your home now?
I didn’t really choose Paris to say the truth, but I did choose to work in fashion…smile.
Is the city an inspiration for your designs and collections?
It depends on the story. Last winter it was about a young teenager living in Oaris during the 90’s. My starting point is always a story, and then I do the collection.
Your collections are chic yet grunge minimal. Tell us about the Jacquemus woman?
Yes it’s this mix between something very radical, maybe a bit school-girl, and something also very sport and moderne as a crop top or a transparent top. The Jacquemus woman doesn’t care, she is raw.
Paris is the fashion capital, producing brilliant creative culture in fashion and art. What are the best times of the year to visit the city to see this in full swing?
My favourite time of the year is April or May, when the sun starts to be more and more present. It reminds me of the South of France, where it is so sunny.
Please run us through your perfect day in Paris.
A summer day with my friend, on a bike lost in Paris.
Do you have a piece of advice on life to share with us?
“WHEN I WANT I CAN” – When I was a little boy it was my favourite sentence. It is still very true, everyday I think about it.
Please let me know your favorite place in Paris?
La foire du trône !
Text: Joanna Kawecki