エース・ホテル・ニューヨークAce Hotel New York

© Ace Hotel
Ace Hotel New York, founded in 2009 from the century-old Breslin Hotel, is conveniently located in the center of Manhattan, just south of Harold Square and Koreatown, and draws a very international crowd100年もの歴史あるブレスリン・ホテルが、2009年にエース・ホテル・ニューヨークとして生まれ変わった。このホテルはマンハッタンのコリアタウンのすぐ南、国際的な客が集まる場所ミッドタウンに位置している。1999年にシアトルで初めてオープンしたエース・ホテルと同様に、オーナーはこのホテルを地元のコミュニティーや、文化と繋げる場所にしたいと考えている。4番目にオープンしたエース・ホテル・ニューヨークは、毎晩ロビーで行われるエレクトロニカやソウルミュージック、パンクなど幅広いジャンルのライブで有名だ。地下にあるリバティ・ホールとボード・ルームでは、大人数でのプライベートイベントなども行うことができる。
Ace Hotel New York
住所:1188 Broadway, New York, NY 10001
TEL:+1 212 679 2222
Text: Qi Chen. Like the first Ace Hotel in Seattle, which was opened in 1999, the owners wanted it to be connected with the local community and culture. Ace Hotel New York is the fourth to open, and is known for having nightly live music in its lobby, with a wide range of genres, including electronica, soul, and punk. The Liberty Hall in the basement and Board Room offer large groups opportunities to host private events.
The lobby of Ace Hotel New York is not a typical hotel lobby: It is a café, a bar, and a library mixed together. Any visitor can sit at the two rows of wooden study desks lie in the center of the lobby, or relax on the couches and English wing chairs in the rest of the space. There are always more than ten travelers and students using their laptops at the desks, which offer electrical outlet. There is also free wifi in the lobby. Dimly lit, the lobby is great for small gatherings of friends to chat over coffee. The building of the hotel is shared by various bars and restaurants, including The Breslin Bar and Dining Room, the Stumptown Coffee Roasters, the John Dory Oyster Bar and No. 7 Sub.
The rooms are decorated with vintage-style furniture, and all rooms have artwork by local and international artists on the walls. The lobby features a graffiti mural by Michael Anderson. Some rooms even have record players and vinyl available for playing music. Visitors can expect to find quirky items scattered around the hotel, adding personality to their stay.
Ace Hotel New York
Address: 1188 Broadway, New York, NY 10001
Price: $110-$240 per person
Room: 269
Tel: +1 212 679 2222
Text: Qi Chen