ナポリ国立考古学博物館National Archaeological Museum

© Museo Archeologico
The Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (National Archaeological Museum) is one of the bigger and older museum in the city. It has a big collections of Greek and Roman antiquitiesナポリ国立考古学博物館は、広範囲にわたる古代ギリシャ・ローマの遺物コレクションを収集・展示している。コレクションの中心はファルネーゼ・コレクションから成るもので、ファルネーゼカップ、サードオニキス(紅縞めのう)で作られたプトレマイオスのボウル、15世紀にコジモ・デ・メディチやロレンツォ・イル・マニーフィコらによって収集された有名な作品「偉大なる宝」を含む宝石の数々や大理石の彫刻もコレクションされている。
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli(ナポリ国立考古学博物館)
住所:Piazza Museo Nazionale 19, 80135 Napoli
TEL: +39 081 292823
Text: Jiolahy – Chiara Boscotrecase
Translation: Megumi Tsuruoka. The most famous collection inside this place is the Farnese Collection, whith a collection of engraved gems (including the Farnese Cup, a Ptolemaic bowl made of sardonyx agate and the the piece in the “Treasure of the Magnificent”, and is founded upon gems collected by Cosimo de’ Medici and Lorenzo il Magnifico in the 15th century and the Farnese Marbles.
The Museo Archeologico in in the antique place of the city, and has an immensive structure that organize some of the most intresting exhibition of the city. Most part of the museum is focused on classical sculpture collection largely comes from the Farnese Marbles, important since they include Roman copies of classical Greek sculpture, which are the only surviving indications of what the lost works by ancient Greek sculptors such as Calamis, Kritios and Nesiotes. Many of these works, especially the larger ones, have been moved to the Museo di Capodimonte for display in recent years.
This museum is the most important archeological museum of Europe. Here you can see many rest of Pompei and a good selection of artist pieces of those years, a great and big numismatic collection, one of the most important in the owrld. There is also the “gabinetto segreto” that opened not so many years ago to show all the herotic pieces from 1819.
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (National Archaeological Museum)
Address: Piazza Museo Nazionale 19, 80135 Napoli
Opening Hours: 9:00 – 20:00 (entry actually allowed 19:00)
Closed on Tuesday, 1 January, 25 December
Tel: +39 081 292823
Text: Jiolahy – Chiara BoscotrecaseMuseo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli(那不勒斯国家考古博物馆)
地址:Piazza Museo Nazionale 19, 80135 Napoli
电话:+39 081 292823