
© Swensk
Each piece of clothing in our wardrobes tell a story, perhaps reflecting a time in our lives, a memory of a lover or simply a hint to our personality. An unspoken hint that is seen everydayクローゼットに入っている衣服にはそれぞれストーリーがある。おそらくファッションは、私たちの生活の中で時代を反映したり、恋人との思い出の品になったり、着る人の人柄を表わすヒントになったりする。衣服というのは、毎日見かける言葉を持たない一種の手がかりなのだ。幸運にも、街の片隅に隠れている「スウェンスク」を見つけることができた。このショップは商品もサービスも高品質で、親しみやすさもある。
住所:1/230 Little Collins Street, Melbourne 3000
TEL: +61 3 9663 4376
Text: Joanna Kawecki
Translation: Yuki Nakagawa. Lucky for us, hidden in a comfortable nook you will find Swensk; a store with immaculately friendly and knowledgable customer service as high quality as the clothes it stocks.
Owner Mats Ekstrom has created a humble shopfront for the international Swedish designers it stocks. Filippa K, Whyred, Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair, J.Lindeberg and The Local Firm are amongst the racks that hold these delights!
In Swensk, you can be sure it is a destination for both quality and tradition, where pure Swedish craftsmanship is reflected in each garment they stock.
Mats transcends the modest and humble nature of his Swedish heritage into the store and its philosophy. ‘Slow fashion for interesting people’ compliments the Swedish vision of quality and longevity of garments bought, looking towards years of good wear.
Swensk and their brands offer ‘enduring sophistication’, an absolute visit for the humble and clever buyer.
Address: 1/230 Little Collins Street, Melbourne 3000
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:00, Friday till 19:00, Saturday from 12:00, Sunday 12:00-16:00
Tel: +61 3 9663 4376
Text: Joanna Kawecki