オービット・タワーThe Orbit

© The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Limited. Photo by Anthony Charlton
The Orbit stands in Olympic park filling with big excitement today. In the center of the fever of London 2012, many visitors are experiencing this special tower, located next to the Olympic stadium in Stratford, London. According to London 2012興奮冷めやらぬオリンピックパークにオービットがそびえたつ。ロンドンオリンピックの最中、多くの観客がスタンフォードのオリンピックスタジアム隣りに位置するこの特別なタワーを体験する。ロンドン2012のオフィシャルによると2010年11月に建設が始まり、2012年5月にメディアに公表されたこの建物は、イギリスのアートの建造物の中で最も高い115メートルの高さとなる。
The Orbit
住所:Olympic Park, Stratford, E20 2ST London
Text: Nari Hong
Translation: Kyoko Ogawara, the Orbit is the tallest structure in the UK. It is 115 metres high. It started to be constructed in November 2010, and unveiled to the media on May 2012.
This structure is not only a symbolic sculpture, but also a viewing tower opened to the public. People are able to reach the observation platform through an elevator with windows. From the top, visitors can experience the beautiful view of the whole Olympic park and the London skyline. And when going down, optionally they can walk down the spiral staircase.
This public artwork was designed by Anish Kapoor, a Turner Prize-winner. As one can see, its’ appearance is very interesting and dynamic. The form of it feels as if it is not fixed. At BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Kappor stated that it represents “the refusal of a singular image”. As the official announcement of London 2012, the red spiraling formation was reflective of the five Olympic rings, and indicates both London and UK.
In addition, BBC News reported that another remarkable point is that more than half of its steel was made from recycled sources. It is regarded to reflect the concept of sustainability, which is British people’s main concern today.
This special sculpture became the new landmark of London. After the Olympic period, this place is going to be closed for a while. But, when it will re-open in late 2013, more people will be able to experience it.
Not only offering amazing view of London, one can experience the unique structure, this interesting public art will give a special moment in London to visitors, in addition to the Olympic games in 2012.
The Orbit
Address: Olympic Park, Stratford, E20 2ST London
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 22:00
Text: Nari Hong