マン島Isle of Man

Photo: Eric Bobson
In the folklore of the Isle of Man the island has always been protected from foreign invasion by a cloak of mist that was cast by an ancient god of the sea, on my particular flight to the island it seemed that the cloak was in full effectマン島の言い伝えでは、海に住む古代の神によってつくられた霧のマントによって他国の侵略から守られてきたと言われている。島へのフライト中は霧のマントに全て覆われ、霧以外何も見ることができない。だが、飛行機が着陸しようとしたそのとき、突然緑の大地が姿を現れる。侵略者ではなく、安全な訪問者とみなされたのだろう。そうでなければ、決してこの素晴らしい島を発見できなかっただろう。
期待通り、このようなユニークな島では芸術はとても開かれており、ゲイエティーシアターでは演劇、ミュージカル、コンサートなどが、一年中行われている。ゴーストツアーもあり、B14シートを好むといわれているゴーストに出くわすかもしれない。ヴィラ・マリーナは、才能あるミュージシャンやダンサーが集う大規模なダンスフロアがある施設で、昼と夜にはそれぞれ無料のコンサートが行われている。またエリンアーツセンターは、音楽のためのリサイタルやコンサート会場、アートのための展覧会スペースを提供してくれる。 セイルギャラリーゲイエティシアターからはそれ程遠くはない海沿の中心街ダグラスにある。道路の一方では、波がビーチに押し寄せ、もう一方では、多くのアートコレクションが展示されている。そのメッセージはビーチの波の音に比べるといくらか静かではあるが、視覚的にはすばらしい。アーティストレジデンスの制度もあり、アートが創り出される瞬間を見ることができる。これらのアーティストはだいたい1年間島に滞在する。入場は無料、ギフトショップもある。もし島でたくさんの刺激を受け、何かをつくりたいという衝動が抑えられなくなったら、島の南にあるシルバークラフトワークススタジオがおすすめだ。そこでは、オリジナルのセラミックのお皿やカップ、またシルバージュエリーを作ることもできる。
Isle of Man, United Kingdom
住所:Isle of Man, United Kingdom
TEL:+44 (0) 1624 686766 (Tourist information)
Text: Michael Sullivan
Translation: Hiroko Nakagawa as nothing could be seen except mist. It was only when the plane was about to land that suddenly green fields appeared beneath us, I guess we had been deemed as safe visitors and not as invaders otherwise we never would have found this marvellous island.
Situated in the Irish Sea between the UK and Ireland, the Isle of Man is a unique place with a rich heritage that is guaranteed to stir the creative senses. Besides having its own native language, songs and dance, it is also an island of Viking burials, fables of fairies and of medieval castles. Despite only being 33 miles in length and 13 miles in width the island’s charm makes it feel like it is much larger. Its rich history is demonstrated by the sites that can be visited, such as Cashtal yn Ard a tomb that is over 4000 years old, Manx stone crosses which can be found across the whole island and some of which are intricately decorated with complicated interlace and inscriptions in Celtic or Latin, and also Meayll Hill which dates back to an astonishing 5500 years ago. Meayll Hill is made up of 12 burial chambers in which pottery shards and flint tools have been found. It is a sobering reminder that even thousands of years ago mankind was very artistic, and that even on this small island people worked on pottery, which was for everyday use, but which represent art in their own right.
The expansive history and culture of the Isle of Man is shown very clearly by the museums on the island, there is a Railway Museum, Aviation Museum, Nautical Museum and a Transport Museum. In addition there is the Grove Museum which has a preserved house from the Victorian era (late 1800s), Leece Museum in which there is a section on the prisoner of war camps set up on the island during World War 1 and 2, and Manx Museum that focuses on the island’s amazing history. There is also a number of natural sites which are nonetheless impressive for being created by Mother Nature and which remind us that humans aren’t the only artistic creatures in this world. On the southern tip of the island there is a beautiful café with 180 degree panoramic views of the surrounding area including the Calf of Man which is a nearby small island. The island itself houses a bird observatory, while in the sea dolphins and bask sharks often come to visit too. Possibly even more spectacular is the Western side of the island from where on a clear day the Mountains of Mourne in Ireland can be seen, but only when the island’s protective cloak of mist has lifted. It is also possible to see the kinder side of human nature at the Home of Rest for Old Horses where retired horses are looked after until they die.
As can be expected, on such a unique island the creative arts are given full release, the Gaiety Theatre hosts plays, musicals and concerts all year round, as well as a ghost tour – you may even see the ghost that is said to like seat B14. The Villa Marina is a beautiful complex with a large dance floor that attracts talented musicians as well as incredible dancers, also many daytime and evening concerts take place which are free to attend. The Erin Arts Centre combines music and art by providing a space for recitals, concerts and for art exhibitions. The Sayle Gallery can be found in the island’s main town, Douglas, along the sea front not far from the Gaiety Theatre. It is oddly touching to be able to see on one side of the road waves crashing on to the beach and on the other side a collection of art whose message is somehow muted in comparison, but which are visually stunning. There is also an Artist in Residence which gives us the opportunity to see art being created. The Artist in Residence has to be resident on the island and normally they stay for about a year. Entrance is free and there is also a gift shop. If you begin to feel the island inspiring you and become overwhelmed with the feeling to create something, you can go to the Silverdale Craftworks Studio in the south of the island where you can either create your own ceramic bowl or cup, which will be glazed and fired onsite, or you can try your hand at making your own silver jewellery.
At the end of a long day of history, culture or just walking along the beautiful coastline, it is time to feed a different creative sense – your stomach! As can be expected the island has a lot of fresh delicious seafood, but you can also go to the Farmers’ Markets. There are regular markets across the island where you can buy fresh vegetables currently in season as well as meat and Manx honey.
The Isle of Man enjoys great travel links by air, it can be reached from about 20 airports around the UK, from London it takes about an hour, and also by sea, ferry services are operated from the north of England, Belfast and Dublin. On the island itself there are taxis, car hire, buses and even a horse drawn tram system. When flying from the island it is very easy to pass through its protective cloak of mist, but there is no guarantee that next time you visit you will be able to find the island so easily again.
Isle of Man
Address: Isle of Man, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1624 686766 (Tourist information)
Text: Michael Sullivan