ロンドン・デザイン・ミュージアムThe Design Museum

Photo: © Hufton Crow
The Design Museum could be found for 27 years in the Shad Thames building close to London Bridge, but in June 2016 it closed its doors for the last time in preparation for its opening at a brand new location in Kensington. On the 24th of November 2016 the Design Museum opened to the public in an amazing location and with three times as much space. From the outside the building looks quite interesting, and different, but on the inside visitors are granted a real visual treat.デザイン・ミュージアムは27年間、ロンドン・ブリッジにほど近いシャッド・テムズの建物の中にあったが、2016年閉館し、ケンジントンに場所を移してリニューアルオープンの準備を始めた。その素敵なロケーションとこれまでの3倍にもなるスペースをもって、2016年11月24日に一般公開された。外観は風変わりでとても興味深いし、中に入ると、来館者はその視覚的な施しに感動する。
The Design Museum
住所:224-238 Kensington High Street, London W8 6AG
営業時間:10:00 ~ 18:00(入場は17:00まで)
TEL:+44 20 3862 5937
Text: Mike Sullivan
Translation: Fuyumi SaitoHowever, before we talk about what one can expect to see inside let’s look at the facts. In its first year the museum expects over half a million people to walk through its doors and 50,000 learners. With a total space of 10,000m2 it can comfortably accommodate a permanent collection display and two temporary exhibition spaces. The most impressive part is how the museum is using the space available to it as there are two shops, a café, a restaurant, a member’s lounge, a Designers in Residence studio, a library and archive, a 202 seater auditorium and one events space.
Upon entering the museum you are confronted with a sense of both light and space, the lighting design is very modern with strip lighting underneath stair rails, and under seating, as well as natural light coming from windows on the top levels. This is complemented by white walls and ceilings, and the use of natural wood colours. From the entrance you can see all the way up to the top level and the roof, though perhaps your eyes will be drawn first of all to the main staircase which is made up of ascending seats with stairs on either side. It is a great place to relax after walking around, or just for people walking.
Strolling around the venue is really special as everywhere feels spacious and light, and there are so many places to sit and relax, as well as have a cup of tea. For regular visitors there is a very reasonable membership package which gives the benefits of free entry to exhibitions, access to the member’s lounge, priority booking on tickets, and 10% off in the shops. You will just need to visit once to see that this is a place to come to again and again.
The Design Museum
Address: 224-238 Kensington High Street, London W8 6AG
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (Last admission 17:00)
Tel: +44 20 3862 5937
Text: Mike Sullivan