手打ち蕎麦 かね井Soba Kanei

Photo: © Sakae no Ma, Kyoto Eco Hiiki
Kanei is a Soba restaurant that is much loved among foodies. The building is a Machiya that has been standing on the Kuramaguchi street in Nishijin, Kyoto食通に絶大な人気を誇る「かね井」は、京都西陣、鞍馬口通に建つ築80年以上という町家を改装したそば屋。すぐ近くにある京わらびもちの超有名店「茶洛」(さらく)と並び、行列の絶えない店として地元で知られている。
石臼で挽いた手打ちのそばは、香り高くコシも適度で、 極細のざるそばは喉越し良く、荒挽きそば(写真)は強い香りと食感を楽しめる。また、和三盆をかえしに使用したというつゆが絶品。荒挽きそばには塩も付いてくるが、シンプルに味わうならまずは何も付けずに食すのがおすすめ。
手打ち蕎麦 かね井
営業時間:11:30~14:30, 17:00~19:00(共に売切れ次第終了)
席数 :16席
TEL:075-441-8283 for around 80 years. Saraku, a famous Warabimochi shop is also located on the same street and they both are well-known for its long line of people.
The noodles ground by a stone-made usu are delicious, especially Zarusoba. You can enjoy both smooth taste of the ultra-thin Zarusoba served on bamboo basket and strong aroma and texture of the roughly ground soba (photo). Also the dipping sauce used Wasanbon (a sugar made from thin sugarcane plants) is superb. They serve rough-ground soba with salt but if you really like enjoy the taste of noodles, it’s not better not to use it firstly.
Sobagaki (mixing water and buckwheat flour), Dashimaki (grilled egg) and Sobazenzai (red bean soup with sobagaki) are popular menus but when the shop is crowded with people on weekends, they aren’t available because the owner, Toshio Kanei cooks all the menus. So it’s recommended to avoid these crowded time.
There are various interesting shops near Kanei such as Daitoku-ji, a temple famous for the Japanese rock garden created by Mirei Shigemori, Saraku mentioned above, Sasara Nishijin, a cafe that was converted from a Sento built about 80 years ago and an original Karakami shop Kamisoe. When you visit Kanei, it’s good to go to these other places, too.
Address: 11-1 Murasakino Higashi-fujinomori-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto
Opening Hours: 11:30-14:30, 17:00-19:00
Closed on Monday
Seats: 16
Tel: 075-441-8283
Translation: Ayano Yamada面条Kanei