フローイング・カラスマFlowing Karasuma

Photo: © Yasunori Shimomura
「flowing KARASUMA(フローイング・カラスマ)」は、「五感空間」を提供することを目的に京都の新しい顔、烏丸通りに誕生した複合施設。The flowing KARASUMA is a new face complex in Kyoto, that opened at Karasuma Dori to provide “5 senses space”. The building was constracted in Taisho era and was formally used as a bank designed by Kingo Tatsuno辰野金吾設計による大正時代に作られた旧銀行の建物の風情を外観に残しつつ、大阪のクリエイティブ集団「graf」がリノベーションし、2007年にオープンした。
2Fにはフェイシャル、ヘッドマッサージ、フルボディトリートメントやアーユルヴェーダまで様々なメニューが用意されている「デイスパ」とヨガ、ピラティスや、ベリーダンス、フラダンス、カポエイラなど各国のダンスが豊富のそろうプログラムが楽しめる「ボディスタジオ」を配置。“flowing good energy”をテーマに人々の五感を研ぎ澄すますアイテムが満載のお店だ。
flowing KARASUMA
時間:1F CAFE DINING 10:00〜24:00(L.O.23:30)
2F DAY SPA 11:00〜22:00(土日祝20:00まで)/ BODY STUDIO 10:00〜22:00
075-257-1454(BODY STUDIO 直通)/075-257-1453(DAY SPA 直通)
. Now the building was renovated by an Osaka’s creative group graf with a reminiscent of the past exterior and renewally opened in 2007.
Filled with the graf’s original designed furniture in the bank interior, the Cafe Dining on the 1st floor is a place where you can enjoy eating as well as music, art events and workshops. From the morning to the evening, they serve a casual authentic cuisine using chef’s selection of ingredients like Kyoto grown vegetables. In the late night you can have sweets and quiche choose from the wide selections.
On the 2nd floor there are 2 different places you might want to experience for your health: DAY SPA with various menus of facial and head massage, body treatment, Ayurveda, and BODY STUDIO with a diverse programs of classes like yoga, piratis, belly dance, hula dance, capoeira.
The complex was totally produced by Shigeo Goto who are planning more upcoming projects. This place soon will be a key venue to create a mainstream in Kyoto.
flowing KARASUMA
Address: 645 Tearaimizu, Takoyakushi Kudaru, Karasumadori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Open: 1F CAFE DINING & GOODS 8:00-24:00 / BOOK&GALLERY 11:00-24:00
2F BODY STUDIO 10:30-22:00 / DAY SPA 11:00-22:00
Tel: 075-257-1451 (1F) / 075-257-1454 (BODY STUDIO) / 075-257-1453 (DAY SPA)
2楼日间水疗11:00-22:00(周末及节假日20:00)/ 体工作室10:00-22:00