香港電影資料館Hong Kong Film Archive

© Image captured by knk cat, 2008
香港电影资料馆楼高四层,楼面总面积约七千二百平方米。为了便于控制储藏库的恒温系统,整幢大楼一分为二,即每层均划出半边为藏品室,内置独立的制冷系统和气体式干燥及除酸器。大楼的另一边香港電影資料館は1993年に当時の香港市政局によって運営が開始。以来、香港映画と関連資料を収集、保存するための活動の他、映画上映と展示や書籍の出版物を行ってきました。The Archive started operation in 1993, when its Planning Office was established by the then Urban Council. Besides conducting campaigns to secure and preserve films and related materials, it also launched a series of publications as well as presenting film programmes and exhibitions.2000年の市政局解体後は、康楽及文化事務署の一部となり、2001年1月に現在の資料館の建物がオープン。映画館と展示ホール、資料閲覧室を備えた近代的施設となりました。映画製作者、映画会社と映画ファンの支持により、香港電影資料館は貴重なコレクションをまとめることができ、映画製作者や市民に広くこれらの遺産は共有されています。
Hong Kong Film Archive
住所:50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
TEL:+852 2739 2139
Upon the dissolution of the Urban Council, the Archive became a part of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department in 2000.
The Archive building, opened in January 2001, houses in it a cinema, an exhibition hall and a resource centre, all equipped with the latest technology to restore glamour to the films of yesteryear.
Thanks to the support of filmmakers, film companies and movie lovers, the Archive has been able to put together a vast collection of treasures. It is our mission to open the Archive’s collection to the public and to facilitate researchers and filmmakers in using the material we have accumulated, so that the heritage of Hong Kong cinema can be shared.
Hong Kong Film Archive
Address: 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
Open: 10:00-20:00
Tel: +852 2739 2139
电话:+852 2739 2139