アッパーハウスThe Upper House

© The Upper House
Pacific Place in Admiralty where international high brands gather, you might know this place where the JW Marriot Hotel is located. Above floors of JW Marriot Hotel, The Upper House has opened in 2009 as金鐘(アドミラリティ)にある、世界の有名ブランドが総集結しているパシフィックプレイス。JWマリオット・ホテル香港がある場所としてご存知の方も多いだろう。その更に上階に誕生したアッパーハウスは、2009年のオープン以来、モノクル誌のベスト香港ニューカマー受賞から始まりコンデナスト・トラベラー誌(英)の2010年ベストニューホテル受賞、ビジネス・トラベラー誌のアジアパシフィック地区2010年ベストブティックホテル受賞など数々の賞を受賞している。さらに2013年に入り、ホテル口コミサイトの最大手トリップアドバイザーが選ぶベストホテルのアジア地域1位、世界5位を受賞した。
The Upper House
住所:Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
TEL:+852 2918 1838
Text: Kanae Tamase a fabulous trendy designed hotel. It took no long for The Upper House to be recognized a award-winning hotel internationally, awards including Best Hong Kong Newcomer by MONOCLE, The Best New Hotels in the World 2010 by Conde Nast Traveller (UK), Best Boutique hotel in Asia Pacific 2010 by Business Traveller, and Top 5 hotels in the World, The best hotel in Asia in 2013 by Trip adviser, the biggest website for word-of-mouths information on hotels.
You can tell this hotel is not only in name but more than those awards. Andre Fu, the famous young talented architecture has taken role of creative director for the Upper House design. He succeeded in harmonizing the classic luxurious fell and modern atmosphere perfectly. All 117 rooms, including standard room of 730 square feet, is spacious and interior is decorated with elegant and modern furniture.
High quality fabrics, ipod touch offering a comprehensive source for all hotel information, music, room service menu, local area information, weather and sound speaker built-into the ceiling, high brands bathroom stuffs, and what you can look forward to see is their bathroom. The bathtub is arranged facing the wide window to enjoy the night view of Hong Kong city, which will definitely let you have a rest during your busy trip.
Café Gray Deluxe at the Upper House has awarded Michelin Star in 2011. The café is filled with sunlight during the daytime, and it turns into a luxurious restaurant at night. The time you will spend at their café will make your stay more special and splendid memory.
The Upper House
Address: Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2918 1838
Text: Kanae Tamase