ハネムーン・デザートHoneymoon Dessert

© Honeymoon Dessert
香港满记甜品集团自一九九五年于香港西贡区设立第一间 『满记甜品』以后,由早期一间家庭式糖水店发展成现今的连锁式甜品店,深受本地顾客尤其香港年青新一代的爱戴,更获国内及外地旅客的推崇及赞赏From household business to franchising management, it seems this is the standard route of a successful business. Why Honeymoon Dessert is growing up that fast in these recent years家庭料理をフランチャイズ経営に広げた、一番の成功例がここにある。ハネムーン・デザートがここ数年間で急成長を遂げたのは、香港人が新しく斬新な見た目のデザートを好むという傾向をつかんでいたからである。
ハネムーン・デザートは香港のデザートのスタイルを変えた。もはやデザートは食事の後のものではなく、いつでもどこでも楽しめるものになった。西貢(Sai Kung)の普通道(Pong Tung Road)にある一号店から現在では香港中に14もの店舗をもち、アジアを代表するフランチャイズとして拡大しつづけている。
Honeymoon Dessert
住所:G/F, 9-10ABC Po Tung Road, Sai Kung, Hong Kong
TEL:+852 2792 4991
Text: Cyrus Lo
Translation: Shiori Saito, is because they knew the habit of Hong Kong people to have dessert and packaging it in a new way.
Honeymoon Dessert has changed the consuming mode of dessert in Hong Kong, it becomes an anywhere, anytime snack rather than an after meal sweets. From the original Pong Tung Road, Sai Kung shop to now fourteen branches all over Hong Kong and still expanding this year, as well as authorizing franchises in the Asia meanwhile.
Honeymoon Dessert is a popular dessert house in Hong Kong. It pays high attention in their interior design, and they renovate their interior into an unusual dining place. The concept of the design was to merge the Hong Kong culture and the old memories and reflect them inside the shops. The retro black seats and dining tables and the theme drawings on the wall have brought the interior a fresh and bright atmosphere. There are bookcases and traditional Chinese medicine boxes hanging on the wall.
In addition, the logo design of Honeymoon Dessert was combined with the picture of the owner. Yellow color is everywhere, in the friendly staff’s uniform, cutleries, menus and also the business cards. Maybe they are trying to sell one of their best foods in restaurant, the Mango dessert. Mango Pomelo & Sago Sweet Soup Durian Pancake and Snow White Sago are also very popular for the youths.
It would be a fantasy place to meet your friends in such a harmony place, enjoy the dessert, relax yourself, chit chats a bit, and you will find yourself and your friends surprisingly happy.
Honeymoon Dessert
Address: G/F, 9-10ABC Po Tung Road, Sai Kung, Hong Kong
Open: 10:00-2:00
Tel: +852 2792 4991
Text: Cyrus Lo。『满记甜品』已成为一个『甜品品牌』。
为确保食物质素及提升营运效益,集团自置中央食物制造工场、生果处理仓及物流运输车队,一切营运所涉及的生产、运送、销售皆自行包办处理,不假外求。累积 多年的营运经验,集团营运模式已趋向系统化,其中包括成本控制、 材料选购、 生产流程、质量监控、物流运输及产品销售等等,每个细节部分均力求一丝不苟;产品更推陈出新,不断改进及创新,确保为顾客提供最优质的产品及维持市场的竞争力。
集团除经营现有香港西贡区总店店铺外,亦有策略性地在本地各商业旅游区及潮流购物商场开设连锁式甜品分店。 截至二00九年九月,集团在香港境内开设了共十九间自家营运的『满记甜品』分店,店铺遍布香港、九龙、新界及离岛。
电话:+852 2792 4991