ホワイトキューブ香港White Cube Hong Kong

© Gilbert & George courtesy white cube
As a doorman opens its big magnificent door, a square room spreads in front of you. White Cube in Central, Hong Kong is the first of White Cube’s galleries to be located outside of the UK. White Cube started its history inドアマンが重い立派なドアを開けてくれると、正方形の展示室が一階と二階に広がっている。英国のホワイトキューブが国外に初めて展開したのがここ香港セントラルのホワイトキューブ香港だ。1993年に小さなギャラリーとしてスタートしたホワイトキューブが、この20年の間にロンドンに3支店、さらにここ香港へと展開し、今や世界的に有名なコンテンポラリーアートギャラリーの一つになったといえる。
White Cube Hong Kong
住所:50 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong
TEL:+852 2592 2000
Text: Kanae Tamase 1993 as small gallery and only took 20 years to expand and have 3 branches in London, and one here in Hong Kong. White cube is now one of the world’s leading galleries for contemporary art.
Designed by London based architects Maybank and Matthews, White Cube Hong Kong was opened in March 2012 with an interior exhibition space of 550 m2. Since then, the gallery has hosted exhibitions of notorious artists such as Gilbert & George, Anselm Kiefer, Elad Lassry, Damien Hirst and Cerith Wyn Evans. The interior of the gallery is simple, with minimalist design, and a lighting system that encourages the artwork’s brilliant performance.
Central is the gallery-crowded area in Hong Kong. Including Gagosian Gallery, these world famous contemporary galleries choose Central for their overseas hubs and showing their presence in the art world in Asia. White Cube Hong Kong, without a doubt, will be one of the leading galleries not only in Hong Kong but also in whole Asia, and will have impact on the area’s art movement.
White Cube Hong Kong
Address: 50 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00 (Closed on Sunday and Monday)
Tel: +852 2592 2000
Text: Kanae Tamase