ソーホー 189 アート・レーンSOHO 189 Art Lane

© SOHO 189 Art Lane
The art hub in Hong Kong was in Central area, mainly on Hollywood Road, for a long time due to the history as these are the area for exporting and foreigner’s residence. Since 2015, when the metro extended to west area, the artsy scenery shifted a bit from Central to the west.香港のアートシーンにおけるハブ的な役割は、これまでセントラル(中環)エリア、特に輸出業と外国人の居留地として長い歴史をもつ、ハリウッドロードがその中心となっていた。そんな中、2015年に地下鉄が香港島西側のエリアまで延伸し、同じ年に新たなアートの拠点として、ソーホー 189 アート・レーン(以下アート・レーン)がションワンのサイインプンにほど近いションワン(上環)エリアにオープンしたことで、香港のアートを取り巻く風景が西にも広がっていった。
SOHO 189 Art Lane
住所:189 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Text: Peggy Yumei Lee
Translation: Haru MurayamaSOHO 189 Art Lane was established in 2015 as a new symbol for the art destination in Hong Kong, where it has 4 contemporary and luxury art galleries (Galerie Huit, Leo Gallery, Pearl Lam Galleries and Puerta Roja) featuring artists from Asia and worldwide. Located at Sheung Wan near Sai Ying Pun in west Hong Kong, SOHO 189 Art Lane hosted high standard artists curated art exhibitions, programmes, art talk, performance art and film screening. It became a significant art and cultural spot for tourists and local Hong Kongers.
You will love this gallery and be excited to walk through it if you are a fans of contemporary art since it shows many creative ideas that from different kinds of artists’ minds. After walking through these galleries, there are Spanish restaurant and Italian restaurant where you can rest too. You can enjoy a good day for your senses here in SOHO 189 Art Lane.
SOHO 189 Art Lane
Address: 189 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00, subject to each gallery
Text: Peggy Yumei Lee