ぐりんぐりんGurin Gurin

Photo: Scarletgreen
An artificial island “Island City” is under construction by a landfill method in the Gulf of Hakata, Fukuoka. It aims to maintain a harbor that has a international competitive strength福岡・博多湾に埋め立て方式で建設中の人工島「アイランドシティ」。国際的に競争力のある港湾の整備、先導性の高い住環境の整備、安全で利便性の高い都市システムの確立などを目指し建設が進められている。計画では2027年度に完成予定で、九州一の高さを誇る超高層マンション「アイランドタワースカイクラブ」や、サイバー大学福岡キャンパス、クリエイターのインキュベーション施設「福岡ビジネス創造センター」、小学校や病院などがすでに建設・運用されている。
体験学習施設 ぐりんぐりん
住所:福岡市東区香椎照葉4丁目 アイランドシティ中央公園
and a highly leading living environment and to establish an safe and highly accessible urban system. Planned to be completed in 2027, there are facilities that were already constructed including super high-rise apartment Island Tower Sky Club, Fukuoka campus Cyber University, incubation institution for creators Fukuoka Business Creation Center, elementary school and hospital.
The Island City Central Park (15,000m2) was planed for this “new city” which functions as a model city of Fukuoka aiming to live with nature together. A pond is designed in the center of the park to make biotope space. As it is planed to maintain an eco park zone around the Island City, they are also planning to build wild bird park and nature center and to maintain and restore Wajiro tideland, as the place is famous for wild birds’ landing zone in nationwide.
Built as a landmark of the park, Gurin Gurin exhibits plants and flowers and you can experience gardening workshops. Designed by a globally-known architect Toyo Ito, the building is divided into 3 major parts which are connected spirally in an organic form. Up on the rooftop, it is designed to green to be able to feel an integration to nature.
Lately the neighboring Kashii destrict is under development and there is an apartment complex blocks “Nexus World”, produced by Arata Isozaki and designed by various global architects such as Rem Koolhaas, Oscar Tusquets, Steven Holl, Mark Mack, Osamu Ishiyama, Christian de Portzamparc. Must visit for those who loves architecture.
Gurin Gurin
Address: 4 Kashiiteriha, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka
Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00 (Closed on Tuesday)
Admission: Adult 100 yen
Ten: 092-661-5980
Translation: Mariko Takei体验学习设施 Gurin Gurin
地址:福岡市東区香椎照葉4丁目 アイランドシティ中央公園