ゴールド・スークGold Souk

© Gold Souk
Dubai’s early economic development from a village settlement came from pearl fishing, gold trading and jewellery markets. Nowadays, you can visit upmarket diamond jewelleryとある村から始まったドバイの初期の経済発展はパール・フィッシング、金取引や宝石マーケットが発端である。今日、ドバイの全てのモールで高級ダイヤモンド/宝飾店は目にするが、ドバイの経済発展の歴史を辿るには、やはりゴールド・スークに行くべき。金やその他の宝石で明るく照らされ、迷路のように入り組んだアーケード付きのマーケットだ。
Gold Souk
住所:Deira, Dubai
Text: Mamiko Kawakami
Translation: Aya Shomura shops in all the malls around the city. But it’s only in the gold souk where you can experience a slice of the city’s market history. There you’ll find maze-like market alleys that are brightened with dazzling gold and other jewels.
Gold or silver necklaces and rings can be made with your name carved in Arabic calligraphy – one of the best souvenirs from Arabia. Even though gold prices are set by international markets, you can often negotiate up to a 70 per cent discount from gold jewellery if you’re willing to barter with shop owners. Make sure you work on your negotiation skills before you come.
If you get tired of the hustle and bustle of the souk, you can take a walk down to the creek, and watch the traditional wooden dhow trading ships sailing off. If you fancy a change of scenery you can hop on an abra – a wooden motor boat – for as little as Dh1. It will take you to the opposite side of the river, to Bur Dubai, where you can visit the colourful textile souk.
Gold Souk
Address: Deira, Dubai
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 22:00 (From 16:00 on Friday)
*Many shops are closed between 13:00 – 16:00
Closed on Sunday
Text: Mamiko Kawakami