
ジャルダン・デ・フルールJardins des Fleurs

© Jardins des Fleurs

© Jardins des Fleurs

フラワーアーティストの東信(あずま・まこと)が運営するフラワーショップ、ジャルダン・デ・フルールは、2002年に銀座でスタート。その後、アトリエのある元麻布移転を経て、2009年1月よりオーナーの東氏がOwned by a flower artist Makoto Azuma, Jardins des Fleurs is a flower shop first started in Ginza in 2002. After its relocation in Moto-Azabu where he had his studio, the shop店舗デザイン含む全コーディネートを手掛けた現在の南青山ショップにて再スタートを切った。植物が生き物であることを強く感じながら日々花と対峙する中で生まれたその店舗の基本コンセプトは「肉屋」。植物という”生の物”を扱う空間の中央には、花屋の心臓であるフラワーキーパー(冷蔵庫)が配置され、清潔で無機質な空気感が店内全体に漂う。コンクリートとシルバーの什器で統一された空間を彩るものは、色付いた花々だけである。


住所:東京都港区南青山4-15-43 B1F

Text: Mariko Takei
was re-started to open their new shop in the current place in Minami Aoyama in January 2009, designed and coordinated all by the owner. The basic concept of the shop is “butcher”; the idea was created while facing flowers everyday as feeling strongly that plants are living things.The heart of the flower shop, a flower keeper (refrigerator) sits in the center of the space prepared for the “living” plants. There are staffs putting lab-coats on working in the interior space filled with clean and inorganic air. Only the colorful flowers add color to the simple interior space designed with concrete and silver-colored furniture.

Jardins des Fleurs is a fully custom-made style shop to stock flowers after taking orders. It will take about 3-4 days to have the flower ready. Their base idea is to put their value on communications with customers at the shop. For people who are away from the shop, they accept orders via email and phone. They also try to take orders on short notice by mutual consent as much as they can. Jardins des Fleurs is one of the creative flower shop that will offer you a new idea to enjoy flowers as a gift or a piece of the artwork.

Jardins des Fleurs
Address: B1F, 4-15-43 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 10:00-20:00
Tel: 03-5414-5824

Text: Mariko Takei
Jardins des Fleurs
地址:東京都港区南青山4-15-43 B1F

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