
丸の内ハウス(marunouchi) HOUSE

© (marunouchi) HOUSE

© (marunouchi) HOUSE

Produced by Uichi Yamamoto and designed its shared space by Ichiro Katami, (marunouchi) HOUSE is a new spot created for adults to offer a comfortable space in the business district of Marunouchi丸の内周辺は、すっかり洗練された大人の街に変貌を遂げつつある。そして、そんな丸の内を仕掛けたのが、プロデューサーの山本宇一氏だ。共用スペースのデザインは形見一郎。「丸の内ハウス」は、東京のカフェブームを牽引し続けた山本氏が生活感のない無臭のような“丸の内”に、独自の匂い=スタイルを創り出したという新たな大人のためのスポットだ。



ダイニング「SO TIRED」(写真)ではお茶やお酒を楽しみながら、神楽坂の老舗中華店が提案する中華とアメリカンの組み合わせが一日の疲れを解消してくれるだろう。

そして、“地上40メートルに浮かぶコーナースイートのルームサービス”をコンセプトに、「フォアグラのグリルといちご」(1,500円)など料理も魅力的なラウンジダイニング「HENRY GOOD SEVEN」では、クラブシーンで注目されるDJやVJが大人の遊び場を演出し、東京の今を感じるイベントでいつも遊び慣れた大人たちで賑やかだ。



(marunouchi) HOUSE
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内1-5-1 新丸の内ビル7F
営業時間:11:00~28:00 ※テラス席は23:00まで(日・祝日・連休最終日23:00まで)

Text: mina

Located in the 7th floor of Shin-Marunouchi Building, (marunouchi) HOUSE consists of various different restaurants and cafes, where you can enjoy moving around to find your favorite seat at sofa space in the shared space or terrace seat.

The Spanish Italian Rigoletto is located at the big and long counter with a gorgeous chandelier in the dining room. You can also enjoy night view at the terrace and casual drink style at the counter.

At the dining SO TIRED (photo), you will heal your tired mind by the combination of American food and Chinese food served by an established Chinese restaurant in Kagurazaka. A bar Raimuraito with a mood of Showa era is opened limited for women only until 21:00. If male customers want to visit, you need to accompany with a woman to get enter after 21:00.

Under the concept of “the room service at the corner suite floated 40 meters above the ground”, a lounge dining “Henry Good Seven” is produced by DJs and VJs and is always packed with club people. One of their menu “Grilled Foire gras and strawberries” (1500 yen) would be the best choice.

The (marunouchi) HOUSE consists of 9 restaurants/bars in total including Italian restaurant, Ethnic, Western, Japanese, Soba, Bar, etc. Few minutes from Tokyo Station.

(marunouchi) HOUSE
Address: 7F Shin Marunouchi Bld., 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 11:00-28:00 (Suday and Public Holiday till 23:00)
Tel: 03-5218-5100

Text: mina
Translation: Mariko Takei
地址:東京都千代田区丸の内1-5-1 新丸の内ビル7F

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