
アーツ千代田33313331 Arts Chiyoda

© 3331 Arts Chiyoda

1F, Exhibition Area. © 3331 Arts Chiyoda

Opened in Akihabara Tokyo in March 2010, 3331 Arts Chiyoda is a multi-level art center that aims to “create a new art form”. Renovated the former Chiyoda Rensei Junior High School, this ‘alternative art space for the 21st century’2010年3月、千代田区の秋葉原にオープンした「3331 Arts Chiyoda」(アーツ千代田3331)は、「新しいアートの形をつくる」ことを目的としたアートスペース。旧練成中学校を改修・利用した施設は、文化芸術に関わる領域を横断した様々な活動を通じ、東京と日本各地や東アジアをつなぐハブとなる「21世紀型オルタナティブ・アートスペース」として展開していく。

地上3階、地下1階のスペースには、ギャラリーや大学など多様な団体が入居し、展覧会やイベントを開催する他、シェアオフィスとしても稼働。様々な分野で文化芸術活動に取り組んでいる人々が広く交流できるオープンな場を提供している。入居ギャラリーには、後藤繁雄による「g3」(トリプルジー)や、クリエイティブマガジンの「+81」による「+81 gallery +lab」などがあり、アーティストの作品を発表する場所としてだけでなく、独自のプロジェクトを発信し、多様なアクティビティが行われる予定。


3331 Arts Chiyoda(アーツ千代田3331)

Text: Mariko Takei
will offer a range of artistic and cultural activities as a place to link between Tokyo and its surrounding region as well as East Asian arts communities.

Having 3 floors above ground and one below, it consists of galleries and academic institutions that hold exhibitions and various events, as well as sharing offices, offering an open space for people who are involved in various field of artistic and cultural activity to have wide communication. The occupied galleries include ‘g3’ by Shigeo Goto, ‘+81 gallery +lab’ by creative magazine +81 among others. These galleries are not only showcasing artworks of emerging artists but also offering a range of activities by delivering their own distinctive projects.

The name “3331” stands for the traditional Edo Ippon Tejime-handclap translated into numbers. This traditional custom, 3 sets of 3 handclaps plus one clap at the end, has been used when people want to show their appreciation since the Edo period. Based in Chiyoda-ku where is used to be known as Edo at that time, 3331 Arts Chiyoda will bring new life of art and culture into Tokyo and beyond, and will become one of places for you to stand by when you visit the central east area of Tokyo such as Kanda, Akihabara and Ueno.

3331 Arts Chiyoda
Address: 6-11-14 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-6803-2441

Text: Mariko Takei
3331 Arts Chiyoda(艺术千代田3331)


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