
ヴィア・アレーVia Alley

Via Alley is the result of an admiration for artists and designers who are proud of who they are, passionate about what they do, who are talented and are willing to give it their all to fulfil a dream「ヴィア・アレー」は自身に誇りを持ち、情熱的で、有能、そして夢を実現するためにその才能を活かしたいと考えているアーティストやデザイナーを高く評価している。世界中から商品を輸入しており、その多くがオーストラリアでは入手困難なものだ。幅広い人々にすばらしい製品を届け、また、才能のあるアーティストやデザイナーに対する注目を高めることを目標としている。

Via Alley
住所:Shop 2, 289 Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney
時間:月〜水・金 12:00〜19:00/木曜 12:00〜20:00
   土曜 10:00〜18:00/日曜 11:00〜15:00(要問い合わせ)
TEL:+61 2 9331 1119

Translation: Ayano Yamada
. They import things we like from other parts of the world, and in most cases, inaccessible in Australia. The desire is to deliver great products to a broader group of people and to elevate interest in talented artists and designers.

Via Alley is created for people to enjoy, learn and be inspired! It is also a forum for gifted and/or up-and-coming artists to showcase their works and to connect with fellow creators and enthusiasts.

Everything at Via Alley is special. They don’t have a lot of anything. Generally because these beautifully designed items aren’t mass-produced and/or are custom made.

They are delighted you have found us. Enjoy your stay… and join us in spreading the creative bug!

Via Alley
Address: Shop 2, 289 Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney
Open: Mon-Wed&Fri 12:00-19:00 / Thu 12:00-20:00
  Sat 10:00-18:00 / Sun 11:00-15:00 or by appointment
Tel: +61 2 9331 1119

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