
中洲はかた舟Hakata Nakasu Cruise

Hakata Nakasu View, Photo: Courtesy of Fukuoka Convention Visitors Bureau

Hakata Nakasu View, Photo: Courtesy of Fukuoka Convention & Visitors Bureau

Nakasu Hakata Bune is a boat that allows you to enjoy cruising party at Naka River that runs through Nakasu. The cruise will take 2 hours through the glowing neon signs of the Canal City Hakata中州を流れる那珂川でパーティクルーズが楽しめる中洲はかた舟。キャナルシティ博多や、中洲のカラフルに輝くネオンを眺めながら、約2時間かけてクルージングする。料理と乗船料のセットプランは、玄界灘産の新鮮な魚介類や、旬の食材を炭火焼で味わえる、人気の「海鮮炭焼きコース」(6,000〜10,000円)や、博多寄せ鍋コースなど様々あり、完全予約制で2名から利用可能。冷暖房完備の24畳の「屋形船」には6人用の掘りごたつが6テーブルあり、思い思いにくつろぐことができる。水辺から眺める夜のネオンの美しさと、おいしいお料理でのゆったりとした時間を過ごすのも、粋な旅の思い出になるだろう。

住所:福岡県福岡市中央区西中洲4-5 福博であい橋たもと
and Nakasu. The cruising price includes the dinner and the boarding fee. There are various cruising options including the popular ‘Seafood Charcoal Grill Course’ (6,000 – 10,000 yen), which serves fresh seafood straight from the Genkai Sea or another popular course, ‘Hakata Chowder Course’ that serves charcoal grilled seasonal foods. The boat is available for rent from 2 people by booking. The air conditioned 24 tatami mats ‘Houseboat’ consists of 6 tables of Kotatsu (Japanese foot warmer) built into the floor that can be used by 6 people, where you can relax in your own way. With the beautiful scenery of the nightly neon signs and the delicious cuisine, the relaxing time in the boat will surely be a chic travel memory.

Hakata Nakasu Cruise
Address: 4-5 Nishinakatsu, Chuo-ku, Fuokuoka
Opening Hours: 10:00-0:00
Tel: 092-734-0228

Translation: Akio Usui
地址:福岡県福岡市中央区西中洲4-5 福博であい橋たもと

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