
アーティファイ・ギャラリーArtify Gallery

© Artify Gallery

© Artify Gallery

Chai Wan, the eastern terminus of MTR Island line has been developed to be a new neighborhood for art galleries over the past few years in Hong Kong. Opened in 2012香港島の東部、地下鉄アイランド線の終着駅であるここ柴湾(チャイワン)は、ここ数年新しくギャラリーが開設される場所として発展してきた。2012年このアーティファイギャラリーも、印刷と紙のコンテンポラリーアートに特化したギャラリーとしてオープンした。現代の写真印刷や、歴史ある技法である銅版印刷、石版印刷、塗料アート、シルクスクリーン、木版などのアート作品の展示はもちろん、ワークショップやアーティストトーク、地元の学校生徒を招いてのアーティストとの交流など、多様なイベントも同時開催している。


Artify Gallery
住所:Unit 7, 10F, Block A, Ming Pao Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
TEL:+852 3543 1260

Text: Kanae Tamase
, Artify Gallery is a premier gallery dedicated to the art of contemporary print and paper in the area. The gallery exhibits both modern and traditional forms of artworks, such as photo printing, etching, lithography, ink art, silkscreen and woodblock printing. By hosting a series of interactive events such as workshops and talks, Artify Gallery also serves as a communicative platform for local schools and artists.

According to the Gallery Director, “At the core of Artify’s ethos is the aim to build long term relationships with artists from the formative stage of their career and as their practice develop. Through our platform, we also hope to increase access to the visual arts by running a series of educational programs that seek to bridge and enrich local communities, within the Chai Wan neighborhood and beyond.” Indulging in the gallery’s events will give you enchanting experience that draws you into the art world. Apart from giving strong support to artists, Artify Galley also provides a great spacious venue for artwork installation as this new artistic hub has a competitive rental rate compared to Central.

Artify Gallery
Address: Unit 7, 10F, Block A, Ming Pao Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Saturday from 11:00)
Closed on Sunday, Monday and Public Holiday
Tel: +852 3543 1260

Text: Kanae Tamase


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