HAPPENINGText: Carlos J. Gomez, Aya Karpinska

Jose Antonio Hernandez Diez, Hegel, 2001. Chromogenic print, 229.2 × 140.3 cm © Jose Antonio Hernandez Diez

We stepped into Jose Antonio Hernandez Diez’s “Hegel”, from his famous shoe-totem-names-of-great-thinkers series. What about “S-N-O-O-P D-O-G-G”?

Rauf Mamedov, (i) The Wisdom Attempting on Innocence (from the Games on the Window-Sills Series), (ii) Rather Poor Juda’s Successors (from the Games on the Window-Sills Series), 2003. Chromogenic print, in two parts
Each: 151 x 101 cm © Rauf Mamedov

Rauf Mamedov’s impressive large-format photos recreated the Dutch master style of composition and lighting, using Down’s syndrome models in a neo-grotesque staging.

Olafur Eliasson

Towards the conclusion of our visit, a sculpture featured in the New Museum booth by Olafur Eliasson, resembled a 4th dimensional cubic contraption.

Although we were witness to a few interesting and delightful works, the after-effect of the Armory felt an awful lot like being lost between the cereal and candy aisles of a suburban supermarket. Except that this market featured more porn than an hour’s worth of Chunky Ass magazine.

The Armory Show 2004
Date: March 11th – 14th, 2004
Place: Piers 90 & 92
Address: Twelfth Avenue at 50th & 52nd Streets, New York, NY

Text: Carlos J. Gomez, Aya Karpinska
Photos: Carlos J. Gomez

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.